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Sia Khup Khen Thang |
To understand more about sins against the Holy Spirit
text: Matthew 12: 31 “Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be
forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.”
am so glad that I have a chance to find and present regarding about sins
against the Holy Spirit, one of the most frequently ask by the Christian regarding
about “what is the unpardonable sin? And what is the sin against the Holy
Spirit? This topic is a very sensitive topic among the Christians. I hope this
topic will help and answer that kinds of question raised by the Christians. It
will help us to understand more and deeper about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has the specific labor of
dealing with men’s natures and bringing them to obtain the redemption and profit
of Christ’s work. The Holy Spirit within among the saints and is existent in
Lord’s churches. He also condemns the unsaved and attempts sinners. Because of
His work in our lives and in our center of the heart, the Bible illusion certain
sins that are committed against Him as He brings out His distinct task. We
must to be thoughtful to the risks of unpleasing the Spirit of God. Let’s
us think and find the way how the people can lie the Spirit.
word “blasphemy” βλασφημία blasphemia (ɓlas-fee-miy'-a)
revilement or vilification; it is especially against God. Jesus told how dangers of the unpardonable sin, that
the unpardonable sin was doing the miracles performed by Jesus through the Holy
Spirit, for the exactly purpose to revealed that He was the Son of God, (John
20:31-32). “No one need look upon
the sin against the Holy Ghost as something mysterious and indefinable. The sin
against the Holy Ghost is the sin of persistent refusal to respond to the
invitation to repent” (The Review and Herald, June 29, 1897). According to But the Jewish people do not believed Jesus.
They harden their heart and the eyes were blind, that is why they do not see
and they do not understand with their heart. No matter that not believeth
Jesus, but the unwillingness to believe the miracles and Jesus is the Jewish or
Pharisees part (John 12:37-40). The Holy Spirit speak to our heart but we do
not want to follow the guidance of the Spirit and the unbelieveness, Satan
never lead to believe Jesus. So the unbelieveness of Jesus lead to eternal
punishment. Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they don’t
see, and hearing, they do not hear, neither do they understand.(Matthew 13:13)
how much Jesus doing miracle through the Holy Spirit, if we harden our heart,
it is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. In Hebrew 3:7 said that “therefore,
even as the Holy Spirit says, today if you will hear his voice, do not harden
your heart as in the rebellion, like as in the day of the trial in the
wilderness.” So, the harden of the heart is the rebellion of the Holy Spirit.
If anyone who want to taste the goodness of the heavenly gift, they will
partaker of the Holy Spirit (Hebrew 6:4-5). Partaker with the Holy Spirit will
taste the goodness of the heavenly gift. The Holy Spirit, to do three things, but if we do not follow
the teaching all things that are good,
do not accept His empower to remember all things that are good and denied His equip
for the ministry, this is very dangerous the human life in this world and the
world to come.
II. Unpardonable Sin
The unpardonable sin is the sin, who does not
confess and does not repent that can not be forgive. In 1 John 1:9 “If
we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness.” When we read the book of Acts chapter 5 ,
we can see about Ananias and his wife Sapphira, they are lying to the Holy
Spirit. They kept some part of the money of the land that they sold for the
ministry, they are pretending to given all that they obtain the money from
selling the land (v 1-4). They were insincere in giving, they want to reveal
themselves more doing then they are. It gives us today who seek the face of
Jesus, who are pretending that they really believe, but God know the inner
heart and mind of men. We can see the life of Ananias and Sapphire. They lie
the church and the pastor Peter, it is against the Holy spirit, and they were
died immediately. The human being forgot that they were in the house of God or
in the Church.(v.9) The two husband and wife trying to tempted God by using
Satan in their heart. God does not like the lying and telling to his servants
and to his church. He likes His church to pure, clean and holy. That is why, I
want you to remind those who read this sermon, take a serious of the sin and
the rebellion regarding the Holy Spirit. When Ananias telling lie to peter is
telling lie to the Holy Spirit and to the God. If we summarize what it is that constitutes
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. These are against and harm those who have
the prophetic gifts. For example Ellen G. White. And misleading and guiding the
innocent people to the wrong way from the truth. (Manuscript 30, March 1890, par. 16, 17). "No one need look upon the sin against the Holy Ghost as something
mysterious and indefinable. The Sin against the Holy Ghost is the sin of
persistent refusal to respond to the invitations to repent." - Review
& Herald, June 29, 1897.
my conclusion, I hope we all understand more about sins again the Holy Spirit
the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, the unpardonable sin for the human. We should
be on guard less we reject the testimony of the Holy Spirit in unbelief and
refusing the gospel. And want to do the sin tempted by Satan and disobedience.
These are very serious things that we forget in our life. Also, discouraging to
serve God and falling in work for God. The spirit invites us not to do the bad
things but we did not accept what the Holy Spirit guide to the way of salvation
to be saved. Revelation 22:17.
who hear and read this sermon, we understand already the sins against the holy
spirit and the unpardonable sin. So, please cleanse our heart to accept the
gospel, confess your sins and hot tempers, accept the truth and repent from
your sin. The Holy Spirit want to lead and guide us the way to salvation to be
saved. Do not resist the holy spirit who is calling you not to do the sin and
the bad thing. May the good Lord bless you all to understand the sins against
the Holy Spirit and the unpardonable sin. God bless you all! Amen
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